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  • Panacea
  • Technology
  • 2nd March 2023

Cloud Computing for businesses: Here are five major Benefits


Cloud computing has been around for nearly two decades. It has been seen to hold great potential, business efficiencies, competitive advantages, and cost benefits. In the past few years, several companies have come forward to opt for cloud computing as an integral part of their businesses over traditional local hosting and on-premise software. However, there are several companies that continue to operate without it.

A study published by the International Data Group stated that nearly 69% of businesses already use cloud technology, whereas 18% are planning to implement cloud-computing solutions at some point.

Working in the cloud has many benefits, and an increasing number of tech-savvy businesses recognize it. So, to help you better understand its benefits, we have set out a list of some major ones-

Data Accessibility

Easy accessing data is one of the benefits of cloud computing; the user only requires a compatible device connected to the internet and proper credentials. Cloud computing leads to storing the data on the server instead of on a computer. The information, therefore, is available from a central web-based hub that offers instant access to the internet and regardless of the location.

Maintains consistency

It is most difficult to manage a file when multiple team members work on it. However, the data in cloud-hosted files automatically get synchronized between all devices enabling people to access the latest version of the file always.

Facilitates remote work

Working situations are a little different than what they used to be post-pandemic. On the one hand, many offices have officially considered working from home; on the other hand, many employees demand remote work instead of returning to the office. Moreover, businesses rely on specialized software not available on employees’ home computers. Cloud computing enables users to access files and specialized applications as fluently as if they were in the office, thereby also benefiting the concept of remote working.

Easy backup and data restore

Cloud computing is an essential asset for unfortunate data losses due to natural disasters, hardware failure, or power surges, as an organization can store its crucial files, applications, and backup data in the cloud where it can remain safe and accessible.

It’s cost-efficient

Setting up a cloud business operation requires a small investment, unlike maintaining the hardware and networking equipment or developing an in-house infrastructure and dedicated IT team. In addition, a cloud set-up enables you to be more flexible in terms of budget, and you have to pay only for what you use. Though it is considered a monthly or annual expense, it is manageable at the same time.

Final words

Cloud computing is becoming a part of businesses’ success stories owing to its advantages. It has aided businesses in growing successfully and in a standard way. For both small-scale and larger businesses, cloud computing is seemed to offer great potential and efficiency. Since the world is adopting remote working culture in the maximum areas, cloud computing seems to assist in the situation, adding more to its profit margins.

We are Panacea, a full-service web design and development company that offers comprehensive web and mobile application development with ready-to-use software products. If you desire to know more about how our team can help you with better solutions, feel free to connect with us!

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