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  • 16th January 2018

5 Exclusive Mobile App Development Trends to Mark in 2018

Mobile App Development


Being the biggest technology in market, Mobile App ecosystem has now come up as one of the most hyped over concerns in the market. With a great variety of mobile app development trends reformulating the digital landscape in every innovative way, taking your business to a new height is no more a herculean task. Mobile apps are no longer seen as an additional investment; rather, it’s considered as an obligation. Mobile being the best way to cater to the requirements of the customers, the success line of a company is often reliant on the fact that how effectively it utilises the current trends on board.

Mobile App Development

While mobile applications in large scale companies are used for firsthand campaigning, branding and shooting up customer engagement, in small-scale ventures, they are used for bringing their own apps into being. So, if you are in search of some exclusive mobile development trends to create an exemplar before your competitors, you have come to the right page then! This post is all set to provide you with a set of new app trends to get a headstart from your business rivals.

Accelerated Mobile Pages- The faster your web page is loaded, the greater is the chance for you to engage more customers towards the site. So, how will you do it the best? Having Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is always the most recommended way how you can perk up your web page load time to a significant extent. Apart from enhancing the conversion rate, it will also heighten the visibility of your site in more than one way. At the same time, good user experience is something which is the lookout of every customer and with an accelerated mobile page, you can actually take your online business to a new level of perfection. One of the most exclusive trends on demand, accelerated mobile pages can just make your site create wonder!

Mobile App Security- Well, with mobile payment and mobile banking becoming a significant trend today, it’s quite obvious that there will be a huge surge of security by 2018. Especially with Google and Apple focusing on this particular measure like never before, mobile app security is surely going to be one of the most hankered after units among the customers. Before you release your application to the app store, it should always be your prime concern to explore as well as probe into the same as much as you can. Again, the security checks should always be taken at the development stage itself through scales like code encryption, reputed payment gateway, API, secure back-end etc.

Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality Apps- With the increasing demand of the customers, when entertainment and gaming have become one of the most sought after straits among the fellow buyers, the importance of VR & AR apps has, quite naturally, torqued up like never before. When the demand for new technologies has paved in the way for groundbreaking automation, the quest has also surpassed beyond the want for mere games. The consumers want to explore yet more and once AR graphics are merged with VR tools, it can actually create wonder. The leading mobile app developers are already on the vogue to wander through the drift and as a smart mobile app development company, you should also consider this trend on a prime note and steer your way towards perfection.

Cloud Based Applications- Gone are those days when you were left with no option other than saving all your important files in your device only. However, with the inception of cloud technology, things have become much easier. The mobile phone users no more have to slow down their internal phone memory, as cloud technology will help you store anything on the cloud itself. Apart from Google Drive and Dropbox, there will certainly be many more such apps on the go and the year 2018 is actually going to witness the scenario at its best. As a leading mobile app development company, you should always blaze the trail towards this trend and keep updating your applications accordingly. When cloud based mobile apps are good for personal uses, they are quite in demand in big enterprises as well, for they are most likely to trim down the data security issues prevalent in every venture.

On-demand Applications- Who doesn’t want to get an easy access to all the important locations just with the click of a button? Yes, on-demand apps can make it happen in a jiffy! Bringing along every important thing within your reach, such engaging apps can actually come to your great aid. Be it a shopping mall or a restaurant, a stationery store or a mobile store, a hospital or a clinic and even a gymnasium or a fashion parlour, on-demand apps can get the users convenience and comfort under a single jolt.

It’s always important to adhere to the latest trends in order to set forth the best mobile app in the market. Panacea Infotech is one of the top mobile app development companies adhering to the ongoing trends to make sure the application creates a significant ripple in the market.

Yes, now it’s your turn to paddle the boat !

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