- Panacea
- Digital Marketing
- 23rd September 2016
The Ultimate Trendy Checklist for Successful Mobile App Marketing Strategy
Mobile App Marketing Strategy can Give You : Get more downloads, ratting & reviews, revenue & better brand reputation. In simple word, Optimize your mobile app content according to end-user requirements which can give you the better result as per your expectation.

Consider, your friends are searching for a mobile app in app-store related to digital marketing which was uploaded by you. They are not getting your app on their search. It happens when your app competing with the thousands of similar apps available on android, iOS, windows phone, blackberry, and others platforms. Standing out in the bSoundless sea of available apps is becoming an increasingly difficult.
Today’s mobile app marketer try to cover each and every aspect of the marketing strategies, whether it is paid or organic marketing.
Competitor Analysis: Developing an app is not a tough task, but doing its marketing is a cumbersome task. Whenever you are doing an ASO (App Store Ooptimization) for your app, then you are explaining about your mobile app features and how it is useful for your target audience. Afterall having fabulous features in your application, still it is not giving search result and downloads as you were expected previously. Let’s ask few questions yourself which can help you to build a better MMobile App Marketing Strategy–
- Which type of languages my target audience would like to prefer in search?
- How would they like to explain about my app?
- What can be the top most reason to download my app on their phone?
- Which keywords (tags) are used by Competitors for their app?
- How much and what keywords (main) competitors targets?
- On what keywords, competitors are running their paid campaign?
While doing an optimization for your app, you should target and plan your ASO strategy which will able to give you the best search result. The better way to identify potential keywords for your application is that you need to search your app in the app stores and it will shows you most close search result relevant to your app. Now, you can consider that search query as a long tail or short term keyword for your app. It will also helps you to identify the best competitor for your app in the online market.
Icon Design: Sometimes, icons can’t able to give a brief information about your app. It happens because the user always interacts with your icon looks and then click on your app to get details and download it. So, you have to design your icon which can easily attract their eyes towards your app.
App Store Optimization:
- Choose right App name and category.
- Insert right and close relevant keyword to your app name.
- Your main keyword should available in the title.
- At least, 3 times you have to use the keyword in your mobile app description and also it should not look like keyword stuffing.
- Whatever you are uploading screenshot on an app store, it should be of high quality featured images with Google recommended size.
- Appreciate your customer’s reviews and rating through your professional and positive way to reply them.
- Your Description of an app should be in 167 characters limit for better web search result.
- Use Mobile Action or Other App Optimization Tool for making better app marketing strategies.
- If possible, upload a short explanatory videos regarding your app features for app store from which user can easily understand and view the importance of it.
Original Content for Blogs: If you want to make your app popular in the mobile application world then use unique content (means you should not copy anyone content or spin their content). Your blog is a platform where you can easily promote your app features and also you can convey your message to your target audience. It is easy to share you content and app with other social media sites to make it more popular. It is very essential for you while writing a blog that you should use your app related targeted keywords in the title and also try it to add same keyword in first paragraph. You should check keyword density as per the size of your Blog.
Webpage for an App: Build a website where a user can get interactive information about your mobile app. Allow user to get direct link to your app in various app stores. While uploading to the server, you should take care of on-page. It should contain-
- Relevant title (60 – 70 Characters), description (160 Character ) and keywords.
- Marketing and promotion purpose, you should allow a user to get interact with innovative features of an app.
- Proper Use of CTA (Call To Action) button on the website.
- Let your website visitor get contact with you.
Press Release, Forum, Q/A: Let your audience grab the product information through news and press release. To create more awareness among people, you should use forum and Question and Answering sites like Quora, Yahoo Answer. Initially, you should build a community related to your product and as the time flies start promoting your product and services in marketplace or application development section. In Q/A sites, you have to search question relevant to your product and you can post an answer by giving reference to your product.
Promote on Social Media Sites: It is the best platform where you can cover large geographical area for creating awareness among large social media network. Our current trends are using Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google+ for getting quick results for their product. Firstly, you need to create a separate page on all the social media sites. Then start joining relevant groups, from which you can easily promote your app on a different pages and share it with other groups. Here, you can understand your fans by their shares, likes, comments on your post. Use social media insights to get more powerful way to perceive their behavioral pattern on your post i,e. How much are they engage, interact, and create impression on the post.
Affiliate Marketing: It is the smartest way to reach your target audience. We are encouraging and recommend someone else to buy or download this app because of specific features or reason. We never say anyone to buy this product or download your app. Mostly, you can try to say as per your experience with this application I would like to recommend you. In an online marketing purpose, “Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing wherein you refer someone to any online product and when that person buys the product based on your recommendation, you receive a commission. By ShoutmeLoud”.
Word Of Mouth: It’s a transfer information from one person to another person or, we can say, it’s a suggestion. Word of Mouth marketing relies on your behavior, trust, relation and person perception. Here, you can only politely suggest to anyone but not forcefully recommend to install your app.
Encourage Rating and Review: It is very important for your mobile app to get more download and shares. Encourage your app downloader to give rating and review to your app. If someone appreciates or leave a negative comment, then you have to appraise for your changes recommendation and take it as a positive feedback to get improve the functionality whatever your end user are facing problems. Every positive reply from your side will give your better downloads in the future. You may know, People loves updates of any application.
Conclusion: As we are living in the digital world where people are searching on mobile than on the desktop. So, keeping this in mind business owner should focus on the target audience for marketing their app.